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Why you Need Pomegranate Oil in your Beauty Cabinet

Why you Need Pomegranate Oil in your Beauty Cabinet

August 14, 2024

Pomegranates are bursting with flavor and one fruit that most people tend to enjoy. 

The seeds are fun to pop out and while the skin around the seeds is edible too, it tends to be quite bitter making the seeds the most favored part. 

Pomegranate was highly regarded as “the sacred fruit,” in ancient cultures, and believed to be the blood of the God of beauty; Adonis. 

Pomegranate symbolizes fruitfulness and fertility and has powerful skin benefits that have been revered for centuries. 

Pomegranates are rich in nutrients that are excellent for your overall health, but did you know you can actually reap the benefits externally too? 

In this article we want to make you aware of how wonderful pomegranate oil is for your skin!

Pomegranate oil skin benefits

Fun fact!  It takes more than 200 pounds of pomegranate seeds, called arils, to make one pound of pomegranate seed oil.

Pomegranate is rich in an array of antioxidants, but what makes it stand out is its unique fatty acid profile thanks to the elusive omega 5, also known as punicic acid. 

You may have heard of omega 3 and 6, two fatty acids that are excellent for reducing inflammation and promoting dewy, healthy skin, so now you may wonder how Omega 5 compares. 

Omega 5 can be categorized into the four “Anti’s”:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-carcinogenic
  • Anti-aging

Omega 5 helps to repair and regenerate the skin at a cellular level as it provides unrivaled hydration that aids in collagen production for visibly smoother and plumper skin with regular use. 

Pomegranate is especially loved for its potent anti-inflammatory benefits, due to the presence of a class of antioxidants called polyphenols. 

Ellagic acid is the main polyphenol found in pomegranate and it aids in skin rejuvenation and regeneration.

That’s not all…

As if that isn’t enough, pomegranate also contains heaps of vitamins and minerals, all of which work together to leave your skin looking and feeling its absolute best. 

Vitamins A, C, E and folic acid work to fight skin scavenging free radicals, strengthen the skin’s barrier function, and provide deep hydration and a glowing complexion!

Pomegranate oil also contains anthocyanins, flavonoids and tannins, all of which offer the very best for your skin. 

Polyphenols (remember them?) offer protective qualities and can actually prevent DNA damage in skin cells by neutralizing free radicals.

Pomegranate oil is so rich in polyphenols, it has the ability to absorb ultraviolet light, which helps to protect the skin from damaging UV rays.   

Your strands love it too!

Of course, as with most of our oils, your strands can benefit too! The same hydration that pomegranate imparts to your skin, will leave your stands silky soft and deeply nourished when applied from mid lengths to ends! 

Once you have applied to your face use the excess oil on your hands on your hair, never letting a drop go to waste!

We can’t wait for you to try this gorgeous oil for yourself!



Photo by Anna on Unsplash

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