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3 Reasons To Introduce An Organic Rose Water Toner Into your Skincare Ritual

3 Reasons To Introduce An Organic Rose Water Toner Into your Skincare Ritual

October 23, 2020 2 Comments

Is your skin in need of a little TLC?

Well, look no further than beautiful, aromatic organic rose toner, our favorite ingredient for instantly perking up skin that feels neglected!

Oh, and we should also mention... it will lift your spirits and transform your mood too!

Many people look at toner as an extra, unnecessary step in their daily skincare routine but this could not be further from the truth!

Sure, some toners are harsh and drying and leave your skin less than radiant and revived, but when you’re treating your skin to pure rose water, you are infusing it with a deep dose of nourishment and love. 

This is one step in your ritual you will fall instantly in love with so keep reading for our top benefits of rose water for your skin. 

Raises your vibrational frequency

Every living thing vibrates at a specific frequency. You want to align yourself with high vibrational frequencies, in order to feel good and welcome abundance and prosperity into your life. 

Rose has the highest vibrational frequency of any living thing we can see with our eyes, meaning it is one sacred flower you definitely want to welcome into your life. 

Just one whiff of aromatic rose can help to dispel feelings of gloom and unworthiness and lift you right up.

Your skincare ritual should help to improve your skin while taking into account how you feel too. Ingredients like rose help to ensure your skincare ritual is an experience that is soothing and uplifting, working its magic on both your mind and your skin. 

Adds a deep dose of hydration to parched skin

Rose is incredibly nourishing and will help to kiss dry skin goodbye.

Hydration is key for youthful skin because it helps to promote the formation of important structural proteins like collagen and elastin that help to keep the skin smooth, taut and plump.  

Always follow up your rose water application with a luxurious oil, best suited for your skin type.

Helps to balance oil, fight inflammation and fade scars

Don’t shy away from rose water if dry skin is not your woe, it's just as excellent for oily, troubled skin too!

Rose water is rich in anti-inflammatory Vitamin C, and provides mild astringent properties to help tighten your pores and gently tone and balance your skin. 

Rose water will help to control excess sebum in the skin, so you can enjoy a calmer, clearer and happier complexion. Rose also has powerful antibacterial and antiseptic properties to help provide relief to painful blemishes, encouraging healing while helping to fade scars with regular use.

We hope you are excited to try this lovely ingredient for yourself! Your skin will feel truly nurtured and you’ll have everyone clamoring for the secret to your glowing skin, that is as much about how wonderful you feel, as it is about rose water’s external benefits!

Try our 100% Pure and Organic Rose Water to see what all the fuss is about!

2 Responses


October 29, 2020

Yes!!! The Rose Water is exquisite. Favorite part of my morning routine


October 29, 2020

Love this. I had no idea roses were the highest vibrational frequency. Explains why I love this toner. xx

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